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Mindfulness Webinar

Practicing Mindfulness training, specifically designed for NURSES

Too often, we have too much to do and not enough time to do it in; we’re thinking about what didn’t get done, what must get done now and what needs doing next. It can all become too much; stressful and overwhelming. For nurses, this can be a regular experience; being under staffed, too many demands and a workload that seems endless, can be stressful and too often, it can feel that all your time and energy goes towards the care of others and rarely yourself.

In this webinar, Donna Butler – psychotherapist and registered nurse – and Gill Hasson – author of books on mindfulness, emotional intelligence and, with Donna, co author of ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace’ explain how mindfulness can support you to manage your work and lessen overwhelm and stress. They explain how you can be more aware of yourself and your needs.

The 40-minute session will cover :

  • What mindfulness is; the key aspects of mindfulness
  • How a mindful approach can help you manage challenges and difficulties at work
  • How to tune into yourself in order to support your own health and wellbeing
  • Information about where to find further advice and support
  • A short guided meditation

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